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What to expect from your first year of tuition?

Your first year of tuition can feel like a rollercoaster of successes and challenges. With every hump in your child’s development, comes a milestone just around the corner. At NumberWorks’nWords, we take the unique approach whereby confidence and a sense of achievement is fostered from their very first session at the centre. With our network of educators and highly trained tutors, we’ve supported hundreds of families on their journeys to developing essential English and maths skills, from day one to year one, two, three … and more! Read on to discover what to expect from your child’s very first encounters with tutoring to the end of your first year, and how to celebrate every sign of progress along the way.

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5 Benefits of Face to Face Tutoring

Tuition programs come in a range of forms - a traditional pencil to paper method that is mostly home-based, a purely online program studied remotely, or a blended learning environment that incorporates learning online but within a centre, alongside other students and guided by expert tutors.

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Light bulb moments: Helping your child 'get it' with tutoring

Is your child feeling anxious? Do you know why? It could be because they are feeling overwhelmed. It’s seldom about lack of intelligence. More often than not, it’s because something just hasn’t clicked into place. The ‘aha’ moment didn’t happen.

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Is tutoring right for my child?

With the introduction of achievement standards, continuous assessment and higher entry requirements for tertiary courses, parents are focusing more and more on their child’s academic performance at school. A generation ago most parents just let the school get on with it, but today they’re a lot more involved and naturally concerned about how to bring out the best in their child, whatever that may be.

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Two Teacher Tips

Recently, I cornered one of our English specialists and one of our Maths specialist and asked them, "What is one thing someone taught you that made a difference?" I thought I would share their responses. I hope it makes a difference for you like it did for them!

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