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Private 1:1 Tuition vs. NumberWorks’nWords

In today's competitive educational landscape, parents are constantly seeking the best ways to support their children's learning. The debate often centres around traditional private 1:1 tuition versus innovative learning centres like NumberWorks'nWords. Learn how these features, combined with targeted tuition for catch-up, extension, and exam preparation, can transform your child's academic journey and build lasting confidence

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Unlocking Academic Success: A Guide for Parents

In the dynamic landscape of education, parents play a pivotal role in fostering their children's academic journey. Yet, grasping the ever-shifting curriculum and discovering effective methods to boost learning can pose a significant challenge. 

This blog delves into the evolving nature of education, emphasising the crucial role parents play in shaping and nurturing their children. It also explores the obstacles parents may encounter while supporting their children's education and how NumberWorks’nWords can be the best solution for you!

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Enhance exam preparation with our new Study Skills Course

Good study skills are essential to helping your child get ahead academically. Motivation, combined with the skills of goal setting, time management, and effective studying methods, are all essential to developing a great study practice. 

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ways to support curriculum competencies numberworksnwords english and maths tuition

Four ways to support curriculum competencies at home

Contemporary school curriculums take into account a broad range of competencies your child needs to develop to thrive and achieve success in life. Old-fashioned rote learning is no longer the basis of education - developing confidence, communication skills, critical thinking and the ability to contribute to society are key competencies for young learners today. Read on for some easy ways to support the development of these competencies at home. 

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4 Benefits of tutoring

Students enjoy learning much more when they have the support and confidence they need inside and outside of the classroom. However, it can be difficult for a teacher to meet each students’ needs in a classroom setting. There are several reasons why tutoring can aid in this specific area, as it provides young learners with individual attention and support, where a teacher may not. Tutoring can help strengthen skills, challenge young learners, boost confidence, and build important learning habits. This blog explores 4 benefits of tutoring for young learners and why it may be an effective choice for your child.

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