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NW 47 v2

5 ways to take the stress out of school work

As children progress through primary school and approach the start of high school, a common theme that emerges among parents is the noticeable increase in homework. Anxiety can quickly ripple through the home as children resist what can feel like a daily chore, while parents start to question, can this be avoided? One certainty is that homework will continue to be a common part of the school experience, with some teachers focusing on building effective work habits and others emphasising mastery of content covered in class. As parents attempt to juggle a range of tactics in the hope to keep on top of teacher expectations and the curriculum, we’re here to lend some guidance! Here are 5 strategies designed for parents to help take the stress out of school work.

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NW 20

5 ways to encourage your child to enjoy their learning from home

We have long known that when children receive encouragement and motivation in the right way from teachers, coaches and mentors, their confidence can soar. But how does a parent learn all of the techniques that professionals whose job it is to help children to achieve their best, have been mastering for years? With so many families shifting to home-based learning as school classes continue to be disrupted, we’ve compiled a list that can guide you to confidently lead your child to developing a love of learning, with invaluable attributes like persistence and grit along the way.

Here are 5 ways to encourage your child to enjoy their learning from home. In time, you’ll notice how a feeling of self-belief brings a whole range of benefits, including self-driven learning.

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NumberWorknWords maths and English tuition online

4 Do’s and Don'ts for Online Learning

As a parent of primary school or high school children, you have likely experienced a move to online learning from home by now, or are facing a second adjustment to a return to lock down measures. If you’re making the switch to online learning, you certainly aren’t alone. If you haven't already, preparing for a situation where your child is moved to online learning can help to save a lot of time and get your family adjusted to balancing school work with tuition.

Even with a plan, does learning from home and online feel like a big change for the family compared to at a centre and in class? We’ve created ways that can guide you to get the most from this new way of learning. Check out the 4 Do’s and Don’ts of balancing online tuition and schooling below:

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Building positive study habits outside of the classroom

Has your child’s schooling become mainly online, amidst the coronavirus outbreak? Well, if they have, you certainly aren’t alone.

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Term 4 tuition reinforces a year full of learning

At NumberWorks'nWords we know from experience that our students make considerable gains during term 4, setting themselves up for a flying start when next year kicks off. Four or five weeks into the final term, formal school learning gives way to class trips, talent shows, prize giving and other less education-related activities. This change in focus can lead students and parents to feel as though the learning part of the year is over, so there’s no point in beginning or continuing after-school tuition. Here’s a quick summary of why term four tuition is extra effective.

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