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Learning over the Christmas Break

Habit building for children

Children are influenced by their surroundings and the people in their lives. As parents, we have the responsibility of teaching our children good habits and helping them to develop a healthy lifestyle. We know that habits can be hard to break, so addressing unhelpful habits and replacing them with positive habits that support our goals will set children up for success throughout life. Teaching and modelling healthy habits play a vital part in children’s growth and development. This blog outlines the importance of building habits for children and the benefits that positive habits bring. 

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Parent eBook Blog Cover Photo

Unlocking Academic Success: A Guide for Parents

In the dynamic landscape of education, parents play a pivotal role in fostering their children's academic journey. Yet, grasping the ever-shifting curriculum and discovering effective methods to boost learning can pose a significant challenge. 

This blog delves into the evolving nature of education, emphasising the crucial role parents play in shaping and nurturing their children. It also explores the obstacles parents may encounter while supporting their children's education and how NumberWorks’nWords can be the best solution for you!

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The importance of good role models for students

Young learners look up to a variety of role models and adults, and it shapes how they behave, their relationships, and the decisions they make. For many children, the most important role models are their parents, teachers, and peers, while some are influenced by celebrities, athletes, and characters from TV or movies. Having a good role model is extremely important for students and their development. Role models inspire children to stay motivated, instil good behaviour, influence life decisions, and strive to achieve goals. This blog explores the importance of good role models for students.

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growth mindset numberworksnwords english maths tuition

The Importance of Learning Styles

Most educators recognise three broad learning styles in children - visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. Each style refers to a preferred way of receiving and processing information in order to learn.

When you help your child to learn, you probably favour teaching methods that suit your own learning style. That’s because those approaches work for you and you believe them to be the most effective. Taking a moment to discover and understand your child’s learning style, as well as your own, can quickly turn hard work into plain sailing.

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critical thinking numberworksnwords english and maths tuition

Change your words, change your world

I’m sure you’ve heard of this: ‘If you tell a person often enough that they are stupid, they will soon begin to believe it.’ The words we use, whether talking to others or to ourselves, have a profound effect on our mindset.

Mindset is, in effect, how you see the world and yourself in the world. With a negative mindset, the world seems difficult; small setbacks feel like failures; new situations feel daunting; trying feels hopeless. With a positive mindset, mistakes are for learning from; something new is an exciting challenge; hard work brings results; the world is a great place to be.

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