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5 factors for choosing the right-fit school for your child

We all know that a school represents more than a uniform, and with a school comes community, a sense of identity and values that will carry a child through other chapters of life. While your child’s interests and dreams change over years, it’s impossible to match a school to your child today, and nor should you. What you can consider is; what factors represent a school’s values and will support your child in realising their greatest potential? When considering the characteristics of a school, whether it be primary or high school, we’ve provided 5 factors that can guide you as you consider the right-fit school for your child.

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Depositphotos 79695148 l 2015

5 Reasons Term 3 is More Important Than Ever

There is no denying the past few months of disrupted learning have left parents wondering where their child stands - have they maintained the same level of understanding, have essential skills slipped or has this been a chance to reinforce knowledge gaps?

As teacher reports were sent to families at the end of Term 2, parents pored over feedback, made plans to address concerns and set goals for their children to focus on, when returning to school.

With the start of Term 3 the halfway signal to the school year, many are considering this a turning point for students. Here are 5 reasons why Term 3 is more important than ever, and ways to make the most of a ‘reset’ when school returns.

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Jobs in 2030: Skills You Need Now to Land the Jobs of the Future

Do you remember what life was like before iPhones existed?
What about before Uber?
The internet?
Can you imagine actually having to look up a word in the dictionary?
Or going to the library to rent the latest edition of Harry Potter?
Probably not.

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Parent teacher conference2

School reports and interviews

No matter how well your child has been doing, school reports and parent/teacher interviews can be stressful for everyone in the family. If things haven’t gone well, or they’re just not quite as good as you expected, it’s important to avoid the blame game. The trick is to celebrate what has been achieved and focus attention on solutions to areas of weakness

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reflection for children

4 Steps to a Positive Parent-Teacher Relationship

Teachers are wonderful creatures with an amazing insight into your child's development. To make the most of these interview sessions, I always tell parents to Accept, Help, Ask and Listen:

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