Preparing for NAPLAN

So, you have a child sitting the NAPLAN test this year and are interested in them performing to their full potential. There are some things you can do now at home to make a difference!
The NAPLAN test covers material taught in general classwork. Hence, preparation is all about covering the class material well and then identifying and consolidating any areas of weakness for your child. Every child will have unique needs.
The test is made up of four areas:
- Writing
- Reading
- Language Conventions
- Numeracy
Here are some ideas for each area. I have also provided you some links to example tests at the bottom.
Students are asked to write either a narrative or a persuasive text based on a particular topic. The key is to expose students to the format and conventions of both genres before the test so it is familiar to them on the day. We work through specific examples in our centres and the school teachers typically will also. However, there are some great online planning tools for these genres you can do at home:
Interactive Persuasive Writing Map
Story Map for Writing Narratives
You can help them achieve their potential in Numeracy by providing opportunities to read and interpret word problems without the pressure of having to find solutions. Focus their attention on what the question is asking and have them restate the problem in their own words. You can find many Maths word problems on the Internet or email us and we will be happy to send you some.
Language Conventions
Students need to understand spelling, grammar and punctuation for their year level, which includes learning all the components of sentence structure. Have them self-edit their own writing and some of yours. Try talking with them to identify punctuation marks, nouns, verbs, adjectives and other language conventions in stories they are reading. Practise the spelling lists – even old ones. Remember, they don’t need to write to learn; it is okay to practise verbally.
The NAPLAN Reading test is effectively a comprehension exercise; it asks them to understand what they have read. Read a paragraph together and discuss the main ideas of it. Note key facts by underlining or circling them. Ask a couple of basic recall questions (eg: What colour was the raincoat?), but also discuss plenty of questions about the ideas, rather than the written words. For example, “What would you have done if you were Little Red Riding Hood lost in the forest?” or “Why do you think the first pig was scared?” If you find your child is still not grasping main concepts, please don’t hesitate to chat to us for more ideas.
These links are particularly helpful for general NAPLAN information, and some example tests.
NAPLAN Information for Parents
Most importantly, your child needs to feel confident! This is achieved through practise and experiencing success! Don’t forget to praise their efforts and always reward their achievements.
I hope these tips help. Remember, NumberWorks’nWords are specialists in developing all of these skills in students of all levels. It is what we do every day. If you have any concerns, book a free assessment.